Saturday 17 August 2013

Next 5-years Sungai Merbok Will Be the The Seine in South East Asia?

Time has come for Sungai Petani Municipal Council and Kedah State Development Corporation or PKNK to turn this Sungai Merbok like what Paris Town Council capitalize the Paris riverbank or famously known as The Seine as one of the major contributor to Paris economy. It is a 776 km long river and an important commercial waterway within the Paris Basin in the north of France which is a major tourism destination for tourist visit. 

I remember visited partly The Seine where back in 2007. The scenery is fantastic and beautiful especially at night. I remember saw a quite a number of  floating restaurant boats offering nice food , wine and music entertains the couples and family. The atmosphere walla! If i am not mistaken, it is manages by Bateaux Parisiens. According to them, they entertained almost 3.5 million passengers per year.

Sungai Merbok With Mountain of Jerai View
Of course , we are far behind if compared with Paris but  Sungai Merbok  is also rich in history and has its glorious past as entrepot of  the 5th - 13th Century AD, where Chinese and Indian sailors called this place as "Suvarna Dwipa" means "Golden Peninsular".

What PKNK need to do? Just bring a good chef, buy a good restaurant boats and employ a dedicated operation team, with the right promotion strategies and full support by the State government and Federal government by collaborating with tourist agents and companies especially based in Penang, this place will be a hit for next 3-5 years. 

There is a lot of ways to turn this place. One of it, give this place to Genting group. I bet they will turn it in a big way. After a while, tap the E& O Hotel and approach those clients of the Eastern & Oriental Express luxury train.

Robin, Elouan and Mathilde at the Jetty of Sungai Merbok
I think not only me waiting for this to happen. In fact, if Mukhriz led government do this, it will be another significant change made by him for Kedahan's especially to residents of Sungai Petani.

Just to pen down some momento with Mathilde and her energetic sons. Perhaps, once she visited again next 2 years, at least PKNK has one restaurant boat to operate there? 


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