Wednesday 14 August 2013

No New Industry Investment for Sungai Petani?

Based on the figures that disclosed by PKNK,it seems like PKNK do not have anymore industrial land projects for the developed areas especially in Sungai Petani since late 90's. Therefore, it is a proven and a clear fact that why Sungai Petani left behind if compared to other urban area that developed in Malaysia such as Subang Jaya and Petaling Jaya in Selangor.  With an active roles of PKNS in developing their urban area in 90's, make a significant changes in those area in Selangor.

For Sungai Petani to grow further as a developed area in Kedah, the related agencies in industrial development must find an immediate solution by bringing a large Multinational Corporation (MNC) or a sizeable GLC companies to operate in Sungai Petani like the early days of industrial development in Kedah by bringing Matshushita Group and Sharp in Sungai Petani. 

Sungai Petani once considered as preference choice by Japanese investors led by these two companies. Then, Taiwanese investors and after Naza KIA plant in Gurun Industrial Estate, Korean also make a wave to Sungai Petani. Now, surprisingly , there are no new investment from these three countries. There must be something amiss or went wrong.

The current 'boom' in Sungai Petani is mostly supported by the 'property boom price' after the opening of Tesco project, Bandar Laguna Merbok project, Project 88 by Plenitude and at the same time the increase of government servant salary by the Pak Lah government.  In my observation, this township growth mostly are supported by the government servant salary as most of the Federal government agencies and State agencies are located in Sungai Petani. In fact this 'Pak Lah chain of effect' is not only noticeable at Sungai Petani but the whole nation especially at the remote areas or district. Even though, Idris Jala or PEMANDU is proudly championing the 'creation of high income job' but most of the 'high income job' are still concentrated in the Greater Klang Valley.

Back to Sungai Petani, this is considered a stable and 'play safe' urban development. However, the State government of Kedah must look beyond 10-20 years. For those who notice that, there is NO new investment either by new industry player or by the current investors such as Sharp and Hicom Honda. No doubt that Idaman Pharma being taken over by Pharmaniaga but this investment is still not sizeable enough to cater the needs of the residents of Sungai Petani. Yes it is easy to blame because PAS government rule the Kedah government for the last 5-years, however, as a rakyat of Kedah Darulaman, i am still doubt , Mukhriz government will bring a new change to Kedah Darulaman. 

The time has come for Mukhriz to change the mindset of Kedah Civil Servant or proudly call them as KCS. By hook or by crook, the KCS must give emphasize into this urban development. The urban development is not only by creating and approving a lot of Taman Perumahan and converting those paddy field to be Shell gas station or Petronas Station or build commercial shop selling cars etc etc, but, time has come for Kedah government to really look into the creation of job especially the highly skill job with an average RM 3000 per month in Kedah Darulaman especially in Sungai Petani. 

The different of our urban development compared to the other area in developed country, the development of the area in the developed country is actually started with an industry or a company. However, in Sungai Petani, the current rapid growth of this area is merely supported by the 'property boom price' since the opening of Tesco and jack off property price of the new Taman perumahan and also the Bandar Laguna Merbok. It is no doubt that mostly the bankers in Malaysia are also 'play safe' by enjoying giving approval to properties project however this is not healthy in the long run. End up the properties will be own by foreigners or even not the rakyat Kedah himself.

In my observation, with the limited number of 'job creation' and the 'speed' of job creation by the private sectors and government sectors in Sungai Petani area itself will hurt the retailers and at the end will give more effect to the owner of the properties especially for those who buy for investment purposes and plan to rent it out to the retailers. Move forward, Sungai Petani will be considered 'dead town' again if Mukhriz government fail to look into this matter seriously. In fact, Mukhriz government is facing more difficulties compared to his father time to develop Kedah Darulaman. The most hurdle that Mukhriz government will face is the subsale or secondary sale of industrial land due to lacking of industrial land or sizeable industrial landbank owned by PKNK in Sungai Petani. The price of the land will definitely 'fear off' the potential investors to come and invest in a big way.

Time has come for Mukhriz to make the following step or bold decision by creating the special purpose vehicle (SPV) companies or you may brand it as 'Special Purpose Companies' or whatever title you want to add on it. This SPC/SPV function must look into mechanism to acquire most of the empty Industrial Plants or land in Bakar Arang Industrial Estate, and Sungai Petani Industrial Estate (nearby the old Matshushita). 

In fact,this SPV/SPC also may acquire the empty industrial land or plants even as far as in Kulim Industrial Estate. With due respect sir, no need for the Chief Minister Inc or PKNK to create a new industrial estate or creating a new area because it will hurt the overall industrial development in our state as our talent pool are not there yet.

This effort will eliminate the first hurdle which is the most significant or the hard part to entice the potential investors to come and invest either in Sungai Petani or even Kulim and Kedah itself.  On top of all, the Chief Minister must find a potential investors  who is keen to develop the youth of Kedah as Sungai Petani and Kulim are consider relatively have a size able youth with a vast of potential to be developed. Move beyond the classic industry investment like high tech companies etc etc, the Chief Minister may look into the business model of Lim Kok Wing and find his advice on how to turn the Sungai Petani like what he did for Cyberjaya. 

Time is running out for Malaysia especially for Sungai Petani and State of Kedah because the competition for the quality investment is really fierce for the next 10 years. If the Chief Minister and his team still do the same things in the name of protection of few property developers and protecting the 'market', eventually, the rakyat's will face the music with high unemployment rate amongst the youth, the retailers could not meet the commitment to pay their end of the month rental of their shop, the kedai kopi towkey could not sell his bread and even the 'towkey' Petronas and Shell petrol stations could not sell his petrol to his regular patrons in next 10-years.



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